After bath, perform sandyavandhana and saligrama or Krishna puja. Then Surya Antar-gata-Laksmi Narayanapuja.The custom is to draw a picture of a Ratha as shown above on a plank with Surya in the centre of the ratha. this Ratha has only one Wheel. This plank has to be placed near the Tulasi Brindhavana if it is possible or keep it in the p uja room in front of god.Perform puja , yourself facing East.
Sankalpa-{including women} Achamana, Pra-na-yama.....Evam-guna Visesahan Visish-taa-yaam Shubha Thithaw,Bharathee RamanaMukya prana Antargatha Sri VishnuPre-ranaya, Sri Vishnu Preeth-yartham, Savithru-Naamaka Sri Lakshmi Narayana Pujaam Karishye{in pyaala leave akshata +water}
Chant sandya vandana-gayatri dhyana mantra. Offer mantra akshatha.
Argya, Paadya ETC
Aa-Vaa-Ha yaami --- offer mantra akshatha
Aa-sanam-samar-payami --Offer mantra akshatha
Paada-yo-h, paadyam samarpayami -- Udharni of water in pyala.
Hastha-yoh-arghyam samarpayami---- {--do-}
Aa-chama-neeyam Samarpayami------ {-Do-}
Snaa-pa-yaami------- sprinkle water with a flower on the Ratha
Puna-h Aa-chama-neeyam ----- udharni of water in pyala thrice.
Vastram samarpa yaami ------ Put geja Vastra to the Ratha.
Upaveetham samrpayami ----- Matrakshthaandham
Gandham Samarpayami ----- offer Gandha
Akshataam samarpayami -------- mantra akshatha
Pushpam Samarpayami --------- Flowers
Dhoopa, Deepa Naividya
Naividya The custom is to bring to boil milk in front of tulasi khatte add a little washed rice allow ir to cook in milk only when cooked add jaggery/sugar and the show naividya , where ever the plank with the ratha is kept.
In todays world as this may not always be possible cook it on a washed and clean gas stove, and keep the Kheer vessel near the ratha and offer naividya. Tha milk used should be a new packet of milk and not left over after morning coffee or tea.
Prarthana Mantra.
Eka Chakra, Ratho Yasya,--Divya ha, Kanaka Bhooshitha ha,--Sa may Bhavathu Su Preetha ha, Padma Hasto Divaa karaha {ithi prarthana}
Conclution:--- Hold water in the palm, chant these words and at its conclution , drop the water in the pyala.
Yasya Smrit-ya-cha Naa-mok-tya,--Tapaha, puja Kriyaa dishu, Nyoo-nam Sampoorna-taam Yaathi,--
Sadyo Vandey tam ach-yutham,--Mantra heenam, kriya Heenam,-- Bhakthi heenam Ramaa pathe,--- Yat Kritham tu maaya deva,--pari poornam tad-astu may.
Anena Sri Surya narayana pooja nena bhagvan Sri lakshmi Narayana pree yaatham. Supreeto Varado bhavatu.
Sru krishnapanam astu. Then achamana and full namaskara.
Your write-up about Ratha Sapthami is enlightening. However the visual of the Rangoli will enhance the clarity.
Ratna, thank you for following my blog and your suggestion.I have uploaded a picture of the Ratha.
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