One rainy day a old man and his grand son were watching the rain from their porch.The old was a was quite . The grand son asked his grand father what he was thinking. The old man said, dear boy i was thinking of the two wolves inside us all, and the battle between them.The little boy wantd to know more. The old said son, the two wolves inside us, one is evil: it anger, envy,jealousy, regret, greed, arrogance, self pity,guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies,false pride,superiority and ego.
The other wolf is good, it is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, benevolence, empathy, generosity, compassion, and faith. The child thought for a while and asked, Grand father which of the wolves won? The grand father said simply, The one you feed.
The Adults should practice and teach their children to only feed the good wolf, and the children will grow up to good human beings.
Words of wisdom do not really require any comments!
Nice one!
Do you have any of the old Tanjore Marathi stories?
This (or your other blog) would be a fantastic place to preserve and pass them on, so please consider adding some. I'm sure some other folks seriously intrested in preserving what remains of our bygone era will add to it.
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