The other day i was reading an article , and the thought occured to me that may be, to save the animals and birds, that every Hindu god has a bird or animal as a vehicle , [vahana].
Vishnus vehicle is Garuda [bird watchers call it the bramnical kite]. we see pictures of Mahavishnu riding on the back of the garuda and some times standing at the foot of Vishnu.
Ganesha s vehicle is Mooshika [mouse]. One would wonder how a mighty Ganesha could possibly sit on a mouse. There is a story that Mooshika was a evil rakshasa, whom Ganesh defeated and took him as vehicle.
Mahalakshmi s vahana is Elephant and in parts of bengal an owl.
Lord Indra rides a white horse.
Subramania--Muruga rides the Peocock.
Saraswathi rides a swan.
Shiva vehicle is the Bull and he has snakes round his neck.
Datthreya has with him a dog
Saturn known as Sani has a crow for a vehicle.
Godess Durga rides a Tiger or a Lion.
Krishna worshiped the cow.
Snakes are also worshiped by many.
As it well known the Dasa avathara of Vishnu started with fish, Mathsya, Kurma, Varaha,Narasimha, Vamana,Parushrama,Rama,Krishna, Budha and Kalki.